Flower alike
Waiting for someone
Husky in front of the store around my school campus
Cafe in GongGuan
Tattoo Feb. 2010
Re-colored tattoo Apr. 2010
The little space for myself
The room for the reading
Memo board
Second-handed IKEA light
Taipei Spot
Had blood testified
Designs of Sean's tattoo
Discuss the location
Sean's tattoo location confirmed
Two hours later...
A sleepy cat on the balcony
The unique golden candy
A huge Hi-chu on the roof
The time I got home, back from Taiwan University Hospital
Blood transfusion on June 22
An unexpected experience
A movable sickbed on the corridor
a colorful wall
a new bookshelf
lots of books
nowadays I seldom read this kind of books
I am abnormal I guess
a classical lamp in Taipei Spot
dessert in Taipei Spot
a brick wall in casa della pasta
outside of casa della pasta(ShiDa branch)
I love this wall in plus café
second floor in plus café
lunch in plus café
a candle in plus café
bunny listens to the music
lunch in bunny listens to the music
a restaurant in ZhongLi
nice roasted chicken
designed lamp
cat in 有河book in DanShui
Latté and the book I am reading
I love this wall as well
outside the window
insomnia avec Kevin
some kinda tequila
Food in Insomnia
Dinner in Insomnia
Tequila Sunrise
In Kaohsiung
Urban Spotlight
Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art
Urban Spotlight
In front of Urban Spotlight
Taipei Museum of Fine Art
Taipei Museum of Fine Art
Taipei Museum of Fine Art
Curry I made for Mother's Day2011
In Tainan
Dec 2011
March or April 2012
Sep 2012
At desk, Yonghe
At desk, Yonghe
Space for laptop, Yonghe
Space for bed, Yonghe
Cds and DVDs, Yonghe
Space for Cats, Yonghe
Posters, HsinTien
Film cards, HsinTien
Some more posters, HsinTien
CDs, HsinTien
- 最新上傳:
- 2014/06/28
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